-Try to plan this topic around a time when you are going to be traveling on a plane. It prepares your child for the experience as well as brings the books to life for them once they get to take the trip. When you board, politely ask if your child can take a peek into the cockpit…we've been allowed to do this several times and it was a huge hit with my son!
-You may have to wait until summer for this one, but search for an air show nearby. It doesn't have to be big…even if they only see a few planes it is a great experience. As I mentioned before, we've done this airplane topic several times already….before we fly and before we went to a local air show last summer.
-Make paper airplanes! Yes this is soooo simple, but as a girly-girl, I had no idea how to do it! I really like this website: http://www.10paperairplanes.com/ because it has animated graphics that show the folds. Definitely what I need! My little guys "helped" me fold and crease the airplanes, and then I let the kids decorate them. We flew them inside and outside until they were pretty much beyond recognition! Here are a few of our creations...pre-destruction!